Kaela White
For the past two months the Marching band has been working hard on their new show
called “Blueprint”. From standing out in the hot summer sun, to long practices, the band
has been an incredible addition to football games and pep rallies.
The marching band’s drum major Riley White (12) speaks highly of his fellow
classmates when saying “It's been really awesome seeing the changes they've made,
ways I'm able to impact them, and ways that they still continue to impact me.”
With competition being the big event for the marching band there has been a lot of
decision making and preparing to balance an advanced score with a fun performance.
The band has picked out the perfect show to showcase the fun to be had and the
technical achievements for their competition this November.
Trinity Mcafee (11) states “We are definitely more motivated to do better for competition”.
For the past two years, the marching band has had to deal with and adapt to COVID-19,
and this is the first year that they are able to go back to truly going above and beyond.
You can’t have a performance without some dancing and that is what the color guard is
there to do. Alongside the band, the color guard has been working equally as hard to
improve and get ready for competition. With just a handful of students, the color guard
has stayed strong and moved forward to create the best performance for a more
advanced show selection while having more of a part in writing their routines.
Brittany Usery, the instructor of the color guard, explains “Everybody has been putting
their all into it; this year the motivation and the drive in these kids are noticeable, you
can really tell the difference from before.”
The work put in and the development of the show has already gone a long way. Come
support and watch the marching band in action at CHS football games.