Ian Kelley got accepted into West Point, his dream school to carry out his passion of serving in the Army.
Kelley is excited for the experiences and financial freedom that West Point and the military will provide. He wishes to become an 11A infantry officer. However, his main goal is to serve in special operations.
“I’m most excited to be in a new environment. From the weather to the culture,” Ian Kelley explained.
Kelley will be the first person in his family to attend an academy. He will also be among the first to pursue a higher education.
“I’m mostly excited to see who I will become!” Kelley exclaimed.
Ian Kelley believes that JROTC has given him experience with leadership positions and responsibilities. During college interviews, Kelley was able to speak of his experience in JROTC.
Outside of school Kelley enjoys his time at church, completing volunteer hours, and going scuba diving.
Growing up, Ian Kelley would play war games such as Call of Duty and would watch war documentaries with his parents.
“Tradition and wanting to serve others made me want to join the military,” Kelley explained.