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2023 Art Field Trip

By: Mason Elmore

On September 28th and October 12th, Columbus High’s art classes visited Columbus State University and the W.C. Bradley Company. During this trip, they gained a deeper understanding of many aspects of art.

The classes, under the supervision of CHS’ art teacher Mrs. Autumn Purvis, first visited the art gallery that is currently being shown at Columbus State University. The exhibit highlighted cultural identities.

After the exhibit, the students viewed a lesson by Professor Sara Bradley about color theory, specifically looking at the theorems formulated by Josef Albers, a German artist and educator.

The students were fascinated by the different ways colors affect one another, like seemingly changing hues when put next to blue versus yellow.

Tristian Patterson (11) said, “My classmates and I had fun exploring the exhibits, and learned a lot about color theory.”

After this lesson, the students walked down the street to an art gallery hosted by the W.C. Bradley Company.

Students were split into three groups, with each doing different activities.

In the first activity, students drew creatures with their peers. For the second activity, they looked at the art of fauna and flora, making a word poem out of the words they used to describe a fauna painting.

The last activity was a scavenger hunt on the principles of art displayed within the gallery.

After going through the activities, all of the students enjoyed some delicious food at the Banks Food Hall.

“I enjoy having the opportunity to take students out of the classroom to view art in person. Columbus has a wonderful art community and there are many amazing groups, like the Columbus Museum and CSU’s Art Department, who are gracious enough to coordinate these events with us” stated Mrs. Purvis.


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