Eliana Scott
Columbus High is home to an active branch of Mu Alpha Theta with over 100 current members that are helping to encourage the next generation of mathletes.
This club, affectionately known as the Math Frat, is led by Mrs. Atkins and can only be joined by invitation.
One of the primary things that they do is host several math competitions every year, including one in December and one in January.
On January 14th, Mu Alpha Theta hosted the annual CHS elementary math tournament for more than 180 4th and 5th grade students. Club members were responsible for set-up, question creation, and proctoring of the entire event.
When asked about her experiences in Mu Alpha Theta, Charlotte Young (12) said, ”Most of what I’ve done is the math tournaments. I would suggest it [to any student invited] because all it takes is a little extra effort on the weekends [for events like tournaments]. It is honestly kind of fun to help out with the younger students and see if I even remember how to do those math problems.”
However, Mu Alpha Theta does more than just host math tournaments. They also offer other services to our very own CHS Blue Devils.
“We do volunteer work, helping in tournaments and tutoring students. I would definitely suggest it to younger students.” Noah Yoon (12)
Every Monday after school, any CHS student can receive math tutoring from one of our Mu Alpha Theta members in the math wing.
Additionally, CHS is currently 4th in the state for the Georgia Math League Contest.