Columbus High School offers over 30 AP’s to students, one being AP Music Theory.
AP Music Theory is designed for students who plan to major in music in college.
This course is offered to students who currently take orchestra, band, or chorus. However, these students must have approval from their ensemble director to be eligible to take the class.
According to AP classroom, " Music Theory, helps you develop skills by listening to, reading, writing, and performing a wide variety of music."
The AP exam lasts about for this course consists of three sections: free-response (45%), multiple-choice (45%), and sight-singing (10%).
This exam tests your understanding of the musical concepts covered in class, including your ability to analyze perform and notate music and to sing melodies from a written score (sight-singing).
AP Music Theory teaches students countless things, such as how to analyze musical compositions, develop ear training skills, sing, play piano, and the ability to compose original works.
Columbus High also offers a music theory class (non-AP), that is available to all students including ones who aren't currently enrolled in band, orchestra, or chorus.
"Any student that is interested in learning more about music, but doesn’t have as much background knowledge or ensemble experience can sign up," remarked Mrs. Gina Moody.