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New Club Spotlight: Coding Club

By: Jacob Sanford

This year, Columbus High School has a brand new club for students to attend: the Coding Club. The club, sponsored by Mr. Hayes, meets every other Thursday after school in room 120.

The club was created by Yash Verma (12), Eunchan Choo (11), and Nathaniel Suryana (11) for the purpose of expanding the popularity of computer science for students at CHS.

Students who attend Coding Club meetings will learn valuable skills in programming. Right now, students are learning how to use CSS to make beautiful web pages.

Students will also collaborate with each other on various coding projects such as Hackathons.

Some languages that are taught and used are HTML, JavaScript, and Python.

All students at any level of experience are welcome to come and attend meetings for the club.

Club officer Yash Verma said that he wants the club to “make projects that impact our community” in the future.

Any student who has experience with programming, is interested in gaining programming skills for the future, or simply just wants to learn some fun new skills should stop by room 120 to check out this new club.


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